Belgian C++ User Group Dinner (Monday 13th of February at 19:00)

The Belgian C++ User Group is organizing a dinner on Monday 13th of February at 19:00, somewhere in the Brussels area, but the place depends on the number of people coming.

Already joining us:

  • Tarek Madkour from Microsoft, Principal Program Manager Lead in the Visual C++ team
  • Jim Hogg from Microsoft, his main focus is C++ compiler optimizations

If you ever wanted to speak directly with the Microsoft Visual C++ development team, now is your chance.
If you know any C++ people that would be interested in this, please tell them about it.

Since I need to make reservations somewhere, please let me know ( before 31st of January if you are joining us for dinner.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me.

PS: this is not a sponsored dinner, so everyone should pay for themselves, but that shouldn’t be a problem I hope.


2 Comments so far »

  1. jow said,

    Wrote on January 30, 2012 @ 8:16 pm

    pourkoi tas ecrits ct article en anglais? la belgique est francais donc, j sais pas combien de personnes vont aller sils ne parlent pas francais.

  2. Marc Gregoire said,

    Wrote on January 31, 2012 @ 6:12 pm

    1) Belgium is not only French; it’s French, Dutch and German.
    2) Dinner is with members of the Microsoft Visual C++ development team, so it won’t be very interesting if you don’t speak English.
    3) We have members in the User Group that are from abroad.

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