Next BeCPP UG Meeting Planned for October 8th, 2024
I’m happy to announce that the next meeting of the Belgian C++ Users Group is planned for Tuesday October 8th, 2024 at 18:00 at Dekimo.*
Dekimo ( ) is sponsoring this event by providing the location, drinks and catering.

- 18:00: Reception with food.
- 18:30: Session 1: Better Threading in C++20 (Lieven de Cock)
We got threading support by the language and library in C++11. There were however a few things missing, like RAII for a thread object, or a nice way to stop a thread, or to request it to stop. Similar problem, how do we stop a ‘waiting’ condition variable. Most developers have solved these problems with home made solutions. C++20 brings standardized solutions to the table.
Next to that we also get some new synchronization facilities like barrier/latch/semaphore, all nice additions. There is no longer a need to re-invent the wheel or reach out to 3rd-party libraries. We will look at all these new little tools and investigate on how to use them. So register your stop callback, and by the end of the talk we will request our source to stop, and in our ‘cooperative cancellation’ scheme, do not forget to keep an eye on your stop token. - 19:30: Break
- 19:45: Session 2: Fibers: CoRoutines from the OS (Dave De Breuck)
This talk delves into fibers in C++, focusing on their role in enhancing concurrency and efficiency. Fibers use cooperative context switching, making them ideal for high-concurrency applications. We’ll explore the principles of fibers, their advantages over traditional threads, and their implementation in C++. - 20:45: Introduction to Dekimo, followed by a drink.
We will be giving away two copies of Professional C++, 6th Edition.
We will also give away two copies of Beginning C++23, From Beginner to Pro.
The event is free for everyone, but you need to register for it.
There are 75 seats available for this event.
Note: The deadline for registrations is October 1st, 2024!
* There are limited number of parking places available at the location itself. However, there are free parking places available on the Brusselsesteenweg and in the streets around the office. Additionally, the free P+R parking Gentbrugge Arsenaal is at 1km with a tram connection to the office. There is a bus stop and a tram stop in front of the office.