Tag Archive for User Group

Become a Member of the Belgian C++ Users Group

There is now an official mechanism to become a member of the Belgian C++ Users Group.

Follow this link and register for the newsletter.
This will make you a member and from that point on you will receive announcements for future events of our users group.


Belgian C++ User Group Dinner (Monday 13th of February at 19:00)

The Belgian C++ User Group is organizing a dinner on Monday 13th of February at 19:00, somewhere in the Brussels area, but the place depends on the number of people coming.

Already joining us:

  • Tarek Madkour from Microsoft, Principal Program Manager Lead in the Visual C++ team
  • Jim Hogg from Microsoft, his main focus is C++ compiler optimizations

If you ever wanted to speak directly with the Microsoft Visual C++ development team, now is your chance.
If you know any C++ people that would be interested in this, please tell them about it.

Since I need to make reservations somewhere, please let me know (marc.gregoire@nuonsoft.com) before 31st of January if you are joining us for dinner.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me.

PS: this is not a sponsored dinner, so everyone should pay for themselves, but that shouldn’t be a problem I hope.


Call for C++ Community folks in Belgium – January 10th meeting

I’m going to try to get a C++ User Group going in Belgium, and got support from the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Belux Team 🙂
Here is the official call for action:

Are you passionate about C++ and interested in finding like-minded people? Feel like coming together, setting an informal User Group in 2012? We’d like to support you in that and have a call to action for you.

Marc Gregoire, C++ MVP and author of the book Professional C++, 2nd Edition is one of the folks passionate about the technology and interested in starting up a more active C++ community in Belgium. Are you interested? Join Marc and the MSDN Belux Team for an informal discussion at the Microsoft office in Zaventem on Tuesday January 10th 2012 at 6:30 PM.

Contact Marc through email, leave a note on the MSDN Belux Team blog or reach out to Katrien De Graeve from MSDN Belux via her Twitter and we’ll see you in January.

If you are looking for some of the other Microsoft technology communities there is the full listing here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/nl-be/cc196311.
