Tag Archive for Windows 8

2048 Pro

2048 Pro IconNuonSoft has released 2048 Pro for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

2048 Pro is the most addictive game since Flappy Bird made easy! It is a fun and challenging puzzle to slide tiles and match them together.

Vote for us here
2048 Pro was created by Marc Gregoire and Peter Van Weert. We are participating in a contest organized by Microsoft. We would really appreciate it if you could vote for us.

Playing 2048 Pro earns you credits, credits buy you “lifelines”. Made a mistake? Undo! Stuck? Ask for hints, and watch the computer clean up your mess!


  • Swipe to move all numbers left, right, up, or down.
  • If two identical numbers collide, they merge into one. For example: 2+2=4, 16+16=32, …
  • The goal is to reach the magic 2048 tile (or higher of course!)

Coming soon

  • Regular updates with fixes and new features
  • More game modes
  • Global leader board
  • Strategy guide: learn how to play

Get 2048 Pro now from the Windows Store and give it a rating or visit the 2048 Pro website.


Join the Belgian Windows 8 apps race

And win prices 🙂


Game “Live Mosaic” Released

Live Mosaic, the first Windows 8 game by NuonSoft, has been released and is available on the Windows Store.
The game was made by Francisco Almeida and Marc Gregoire.
Get it from the store.


Windows 8 App-a-thon Contest 28 September – Results

On 28th of September a colleague of mine (Francisco Almeida) and myself participated in a Windows 8 App-a-thon organized by Microsoft. I was pleasantly surprised when I received an email a couple of days ago informing us that we won the first prize in the contest 🙂  The winners have been announced on the Belux MSDN blog. Winning this contest is an extra encouragement to finish the little puzzle game we started and to put it on the App store. If everything goes well, the plan is to have an internal Beta version next week, and to submit the puzzle game for App store certification towards the end of next week or the week after. We have created a temporary landing page for our game which you can find here.


New Windows 8 Naming Convention

A while ago, Microsoft decided to abandon the name Metro. It has been replaced with the following naming scheme:

Metro apps = Windows Store apps
Metro design language / Modern UI design language = Microsoft design style language
Metro style principles / Modern UI style principles = Microsoft design style principles

Note that the casing is also important. For example, the apps in Windows Store apps is with a lowercase a, not an uppercase.


Windows 8 Launch Date

Microsoft has officially announced the launch date for Windows 8: October 26th 2012 🙂

See the official source here.


Slides of Presentation “Windows 8 and WinRT from a C++ perspective”

Here are the slides of my presentation I gave on Community Day 2012.


Windows 8 Editions Announced

Microsoft has announced the different Windows 8 editions. There will be: Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro, and Windows RT. Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro are versions of Windows for x86 CPU’s (32 and 64 bit), while Windows RT is for ARM CPU’s. Check this blog to get a table with the differences between the 3 flavors of Windows 8.


Getting Around in Windows 8 and Shortcuts

The Metro UI of Windows 8 works completely different compared to the Windows 7 and 8 desktop UI.
You might need a little help to find your way around.
Kent Walter wrote an excellent article explaining how the Metro UI works and how to use it efficiently, including an overview of all Windows shortcuts.
Read it here.


Belgian Windows 8 Developer Day

23rd of March is the Belgian Windows 8 Developer Day.
Subscribe to the day-track to immerse, and the night-track to start building. Totally free… totally Windows 8.

Join the first Windows 8 Developer Day in Belgium! A full day conference with technical sessions that dive into the platform for building Windows 8 Metro Style apps.

With Windows 8 Consumer Preview just released, you’ll learn first-hand how to:

  • use the new features in Windows 8 Metro apps to your advantage
  • use the developer platform with C#, C++, XAML, HTML and JavaScript
  • monetize and distribute your app

Your keynote speaker is Giorgio Sardo, HTML5 and Windows 8 Senior Technical Evangelist at Microsoft.

When the sun sets, we dive into the night with the very first Nacht van Windows 8 / La nuit de Windows 8, an app-a-thon like you’ve never seen!
Team up with your best UX friend to build a killer team, come alone, sign up with a group, whatever you want! And win prizes with you app…


New Windows Logo Unveiled

Microsoft unveiled the new Windows 8 logo, which follows the clean styling guidelines of the Metro design principles.

According to the design team:

With Windows 8, we approached the logo redesign with a few key goals on mind.

  • We wanted the new logo to be both modern and classic by echoing the International Typographic Style (or Swiss design) that has been a great influence on our Metro style design philosophy. Using bold flat colors and clean lines and shapes, the new logo has the characteristics of way-finding design systems seen in airports and subways.
  • It was important that the new logo carries our Metro principle of being “Authentically Digital”. By that, we mean it does not try to emulate faux-industrial design characteristics such as materiality (glass, wood, plastic, etc.). It has motion – aligning with the fast and fluid style you’ll find throughout Windows 8.
  • Our final goal was for the new logo to be humble, yet confident. Welcoming you in with a slight tilt in perspective and when you change your color, the logo changes to reflect you. It is a “Personal” Computer after all.

Read the official announcement.


Windows 8 Developer Preview

By now, virtually everyone on this planet heart about the Windows 8 Developer Preview that was launched a couple of days ago on the Microsoft BUILD conference.
Everyone can download this developer preview. This will give you the opportunity to play and experiment with the new Metro layout for Windows.

The developer preview also includes a preview of Microsoft Visual Studio 11 express edition, which makes it very easy to make Metro style applications in C++, C#, VB.Net, or JavaScript.

Any serious developer should download this preview and learn as much as possible about the new Windows platform.

Go to the BUILD website to download the preview and to download interesting video recordings of the sessions on the BUILD conference.
